To “See the Spots and Sink the Shots” is the key principle — and the quick result — of using this training aid.

The skill and the visual acuity that a player develops is very important in the aiming process when shooting pool. If a player thinks through this process on every cut shot at the pool table, they will consistently make those shots. They will win games, and their confidence at the table will grow.

Before I found the CutShots website I had to admit there were simple cut shots I wasn’t making that I should have made a lot more often. Since then, they have really helped my game. In the last APA Tournament, I was able to win 4 out of 5 matches, which is my best.

Because shooting pool is a muscle memory type activity, I’ve found that the Cutshots balls can develop this muscle memory for me — or any player — to shoot in a proper and consistent way, right in the beginning, lining up a shot and making it.